
In your dream last night, there appeared garlic. There are several definitions of the dream Garlic

Garlic dream means:

First interpretation of the garlic dream:
The garlic dream is a good dream, announcing the realization of all the hopes in progress, after some quarrels that will delay its realization.
Feeling in a dream means that you will have surprising revelations about mysterious things.

Second interpretation of the garlic dream:
Dreaming that you ate garlic indicates that you may have a dangerous illness, so take care of yourself.
Dreaming that you are tearing garlic off means that you will soon have big discussions or even a trial.
If you grow them in your dream then you can count on a good understanding.
The dream peeling indicates that you are running straight for quarrels.

Third interpretation of the garlic dream:
Another dreamlike interpretation of the elders: Some believed that if one consumed garlic in a dream, one would marry a woman whose mouth smelled like a rose, or that one would kiss the woman one loves during the day! or that it announced a woman’s deception.

Luck figures associated with the garlic dream:
If you dream of garlic you can play these numbers: 7.17.29

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