
In your dream last night, a lizard appeared a lizard. There are several definitions of dreaming of lizard.

dream of lzard meaning:

First interpretation of the lizard dream:
Dreaming of lizard represents laziness and comfort.
Dreaming of the lizard is a symbol of benevolence.
A lizard attack in your dream literally means adapting to the circumstances. The same dream suggests that you don’t think at all if your actions can harm others.

Dreaming of lizard means that an unknown friend is protecting you.
If a lizard crosses your path, reveals that you should be on your guard against a mature woman.
Dreaming of a lizard in the sun can mean that you will be helped by those around you.
Trying to capture a lizard in a dream announces that you will commit an affront.
Killing a lizard in a dream: your project will succeed.

Second interpretation of dreaming of lizard:
Dreaming of the lizard is an omen of sincere and sweet friendships.
Seeing a lizard in your bed is a dream that announces in bed that you will get a better position at work.
Dreaming of lizard in a bad dream, can indicate pitfalls caused by distant enemies.
Being bitten by a lizard in your dream, biting is a sign of difficulties, or misfortune.
This lizard’s dream can also predict a stay in the countryside.
My grandmother Augustine used to say about this lizard dream that it was a restless friend and if you pursue it in your dreams, you’ll be at the wall.

Lizard dream luck numbers:
If you dream of the lizard you can play these numbers: 48

meaning of nostradamus dreams
Signification of the lizard dream according to Nostradamus:
Dreaming of white or even blue lizard is a sign of change in business.
Seeing a giant lizard is a bad omen for our prophet.

meaning of artemidore's dreams
Signification of the lizard dream according to Artémidore:
For a woman, having the dream of a biting lizard is a sign of disease.