
In your dream last night, there appeared a war. There are several definitions of the dream of war.

Dreaming of war means:

First interpretation of the war dream:
Dreams of war are excessively frequent. Many of them only recall the horrible memories of wars in the world. But other dreams show us our “inner war”; they then show unconscious conflicts and moral disorders. The dream says “This is the fight that is going on in you”; they allow you to find the dangers that attack or bombard the unconscious.

Second interpretation of dreaming of war:
Dreaming of war reveals confusion or chaos in your real life.
Dreaming of war indicates that you are in a situation of internal conflict or with
emotions that upset you from the inside.
This dream can also indicate that your aggressiveness overrides your emotions because you lack self-confidence.
This dream of war may encourage you to prepare for a fight to progress in an area of your life.
More simply, dreaming of war can also reflect your questioning about a war that is currently raging in the world.

Third interpretation of dreaming of war:
Dreaming of war announces quarrels in the family circle.
Dream that his country has lost the war, means that you must protect yourself against losing money.
Dreaming of war and winning the war in a dream predicts a recovery in family happiness and well-being.

Fourth interpretation of the war dream:
In the ancient dream tradition this dream represents:
Dreaming of war announces honours and a peaceful life.
Seeing warriors is less good, they are the image of your enemies.
Dreaming of war; danger of persecution.
Inner peace and happiness in marriage.
Dissolution of a company, liquidation.

Lucky figures associated with the war dream:
If you dream of war you can play these numbers: