
In your dream last night, appeared the term wand. There are several definitions of the dream wand.

dream of wand meaning:

First interpretation of the wand dream:
Dreaming of a wand is a symbol of virility and domination.
Dreaming of a wand and being hit with it is a sign of frustration or betrayal.
Dreaming of a wand and punishing someone with it is a sign of fear.

Second interpretation of the wand dream:
Dreaming of a wand and hearing the sound of drum sticks in a dream means that you have influence over the people around you, you may abuse it a little too much.
Dreaming of a wand and seeing a conductor and his wand announces a pleasant invitation to a show.
Dreaming of a magic wand symbolizes you have the power to influence others.

Third interpretation of the wand dream:
Dreaming of a divining rod is usually a dangerous sign of bad omen, it means that we will discover something that you wanted to keep hidden.
Dreaming of a wand of bread, this dream evokes a desire for possession or a need for unfulfilled love, you need to fulfill certain desires.

Luck figures associated with the wand dream:
If you dream of a wand you can play these numbers:

meaning of sigmund-freud dreams
Signification of the wand dream according to Sigmund Freud:
For Freud, dreaming of a wand is a phallic symbol for Freud.
Dreaming of wand and whipping a person with it means that the dreamer has a tendency to sadism.
Dreaming of a broken wand is a symbol of a manhood problem.