
In your dream last night, the term Urinating appeared. There are several definitions of dreaming of Urinating.

Dream of urinating meaning:

First interpretation of the dream of urination:
Urine in dreams is one of the sexual symbols.
Like many body fluids, urine was considered by the ancients as a magical principle: urine heals.
Dreaming of urinating means that you tend to go against public opinion.
This dream of peeing, in a certain context, can express your current stress.
Dreaming of urinating or drinking your urine in a dream is a sign of good health.

Second interpretation of dreaming of urinating:
Dreaming of urinating in bed indicates that you are overdoing it.
Drinking your urine in a dream announces good health.
Dreaming of urinating for a long time indicates that you are paying too much attention to unimportant details.
Seeing yourself urinate reveals a tension in the home.
Dreaming of urinating on someone: your friendships are rare.

Third interpretation of dreaming of urinating:
Urinating on a monument reveals that you don’t like conventions.
Dreaming of urinating and urinating in bed indicates contempt for oneself.
Dreaming of urinating blood, is a dreamlike warning: risk to your health.

Luck numbers associated with the dream of urinating:
If you dream of urinating you can play these numbers: 12.18

meaning of nostradamus dreams
Signification of the dream of peeing according to Nostradamus:
Dreaming of urinating or “peeing” announces arguments.
Dreaming of urine and drinking it in a dream, is an omen of financial mismanagement.
Dreaming of wetting the bed, disappearing friendship.