
In your dream last night, appeared a journey. There are several definitions of the dream of travel.

Travel dream means:

First interpretation of the travel dream:
Dreaming of travel symbolizes your journey towards the goals you have set for yourself in real life, it can also represent the image of your progress.
Dreaming of travel is a dream that reveals your desire to escape from the problems that weigh on your shoulders.
This dream is characteristic of the dreamer who wants to make a new start in life.
Dreaming that you are coming back from your trip means that you have completed your business.

Second interpretation of the travel dream:
Dreaming of travelling by coach, bus full of people, announces that you will meet new people who will give you new friends.
Dreaming of time travel is revealing that the dreamer is trying to escape the reality of life that may be untenable for him.
He wants to skip a period that makes him uncomfortable.
Dreaming of travelling in space is a strong need for liberation from something that weighs on the dreamer’s morals.

Third interpretation of the travel dream:
Dreaming of a trip that goes well is a good omen.
If the dream of travel unfolds in an unpleasant way then it announces a disappointment or misfortune.
Dreaming of a distant journey predicts a work that is promptly done and highly remunerative.
Dreaming of a catastrophic journey is a bad omen on the sentimental level.
Seeing friends on a trip, announces an event that will bring you happiness.
Dreaming of the end of a trip and being home announces that you will succeed in one of your projects successfully.

Fourth interpretation of the travel dream:
Dreaming of travel announces profits and well-being.
Dream that you are travelling in a hostile place, is a warning beware of your opponents and illness.
Dreaming of a trip in a desert or in the mountains announces changes in your destiny.
If you dream that you are travelling alone by car this indicates an interesting time.

Fifth interpretation of the travel dream:
Traditionally, dreaming of travel is always an indication of a change in the dreamer’s life, for example.
Dreaming of travelling by boat, announces the unexpected arrival of a loved one.
Insurmountable obstacles, grief.
Dreaming of travelling on foot: work, delay.
The sword on the side (very old dream): marriage.
In the company of a dead person: slander.
Dreaming of preparing a trip by car: fixed fortune.
Horse riding in a dream: pride.
