
In your dream last night, the term broom appeared . There are several definitions of the dream brush.

Dreaming about broomstick means:

First interpretation of the broom dream:
Dreaming of broomsticks: by association of ideas, one might think that the broom signals gossip! That is the exact truth. Dreaming about broomsticks means that chatter will cause us some trouble.
Using a broom in a predicted dream we will erase our little sorrows, in real life.
If you see a broom in the background of a dream, it means that you have urgent business to attend to.

Second interpretation of the broom dream:
If you buy a broom in a dream: you don’t have to worry, your current troubles will quickly be forgotten; but if you break one in your dream, it is the sign of a big marital dispute.
See also: sweeping.

Third interpretation of the broom dream:
If you use an old broom to sweep your home, you will have a meeting that will turn your head.
Buying a broom in a dream means a change in your habits or a change of location to plan.

Luck figures associated with the broom dream:
If you dream of broomstick you can play these numbers:

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