
In your dream last night, appeared a scorpion. There are several definitions of dreaming of scorpion.

Scorpion dreaming meaning:

First interpretation of scorpion’s dream:
Dreaming of a scorpion has, on some sides, a similarity to the dream of a snake, but without the spiritual and symbolic character of the snake. This dream has a (sexual) onanism meaning. It is also a representation of death and rebirth.
Dreaming of a scorpion can announce a betrayal of a loved one.
The scorpion, in a dream, can also indicate that the dreamer wishes to destroy his present life to start a new existence.
Dreaming of scorpio quite often predicts pitfalls and misfortune caused by secret enemies.

Second interpretation of dreaming of scorpion:
For many oniologists, dreaming of a scorpion is considered a bad dream because it is a sign of betrayal, pitfalls, cruelty.
This scorpion’s dream can reveal that the dreamer is tortured by his own contradictions.
Dreaming of a scorpion can mean that you are being attacked from behind, but you will soon see your opponents at your feet.
Dreaming of a scorpion represents maternal sacrifice, which is why this dream has the same symbolism as dreaming of a praying mantis, because according to legend, the female scorpion dies when her children are born.

Third interpretation of dreaming of scorpion:
Dreaming of a scorpion and seeing him walk away from you indicates that you will avoid the revenge of an enemy.
Dreaming of a scorpion and killing him in a dream announces a victory or triumph, but if you don’t succeed, then your enemies will manage to inflict heavy losses on you.
If you eat a scorpion in your dream, it may indicate that you will take your opponent’s property.
Dreaming of a scorpion and being stung by him is a sign of disease.

Lucky numbers associated with the scorpion dream:
If you dream of scorpio you can play these numbers for yourself: 5.34

meaning of nostradamus dreams
Signification of the scorpion dream according to Nostradamus:
Seeing a scorpion in a dream indicates a hidden opponent.