
In your dream last night, appeared a Viol. There are several definitions of the dream of Viol.

Dreaming of Viol meaning:

First interpretation of the rape dream:
Dreaming of rape:
Being raped or attempted raped in a dream reveals a strong
feeling of revenge or hostility towards the opposite sex. This dream can
show that you have been taken advantage of or abused.
Dreaming of rape sometimes underlines
that a person or event challenges your emotional well-being by
a humiliation.
The dream of rape can be triggered by being touched or that the
dreamer or the dreamer was raped in real life.

Second interpretation of the rape dream:
Dreaming of rape for a young woman also means that she is injured in
her vanity, because her lover dominates her powerfully, without her being able to do so
A man who dreams that he is raped by a woman indicates that he
is submissive, which he refutes by believing himself indispensable.
Dreaming of rape and
to reject it, reveals an opportunistic character, especially in friendship.
This dream
can also be a warning, you have to be very careful.
Dreaming of gang rape can mean that a catsatroph is close in the friendly environment.

Dreams associated with dreaming of rape see
rêver de rapeence dream of fighting dream of aggression, sexual touching dream, abuse.

A dreamer tells us about her dream of rape:
In my dream I was the observer of a rape. It was happening in a dark and very dirty alleyway with lots of overturned garbage cans. I was at a window on the third floor. A group of women were passing by when a man dressed in black caught and kidnapped one of them. This girl was screaming, the man had a knife in his hand. He pushed her and threw her to the ground and with his weapon, he would tear all his clothes, jeans, panties, sweater, bras. I could hear her screaming for help. I was seeing this rapist on this poor lady. But I couldn’t get away from that window. I was hypnotized by this act of barbarism, a horror.

meaning of sigmund-freud dreams Signification of the rape dream according to Sigmund Freud:
According to Freud, rape can represent an episode or the person who has this dream tries to erase part of his personality and suffers great anxiety. Freud also explains that dreaming of rape can be generated by sexual needs

Lucky numbers associated with the dream of Rape:
If you dream of Rape you can play these numbers: 41.59.
