
In your dream last night, appeared of prostitution. There are several definitions of dreaming of prostitution.

Dreaming of prostitution means:

First interpretation of the dream of prostitution:
Dreaming of prostitution often announces that you will experience defamation.
For a woman, dreaming of prostitution is a sign of a lack of openness towards her loved one.
Dreaming of prostitution can also mean that you are on the wrong track in a case that concerns you.

Second interpretation of dreaming of prostitution:
Dreaming of prostitution for a man is an omen of confrontation with opponents.
Dreaming of prostitution and prostituting yourself indicates that you are selling off the most precious things you have in all areas.
Dreaming of prostitution can represent a sense of worthlessness in relation to others.

Luck figures associated with the dream of prostitution:
If you dream of prostitution you can play these numbers: 43

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