
In your dream last night, appeared a plate. There are several definitions of the dream plate.

Dreaming about the plate means:

First interpretation of the dream of a plate:
Dream plates are commonly associated with family well-being and prosperity.
The plate, in common use, is a good omen in a dream, at the sentimental level.
It announces a marriage or happiness in the household if it is broken or chipped.
If the plate is white in the dream, you will not miss the love successes.

Dreaming of a pile of broken plates bodes well for the loss of your expectations. Seeing her full of victuals is a good sign.
An empty plate seen in a dream, this dream announces financial difficulties. But, with a full plate, your work will soon be successful.

Second interpretation of the dream of a plate:
Dreaming of a dirty plate is a wound of self-esteem.
Seeing an iron plate means in a dream, put money aside.
The wooden plate announces that you have to ease off on your expenses.
If it is made of silver, then poverty will come knocking at your door.
A porcelain plate indicates that prosperity will not last, if it is broken, it is the opposite.

Third interpretation of dreaming of a plate:
A vermeil plate predicts a quick success.
If this one is made of terracotta: be humble and fortune will smile on you.
As for the butter plate, it seems that we never dream of it.

meaning of sigmund-freud's dreams Signification of the dream of a plate according to Sigmund Freud:
The dream plate, evokes the desire to have children.
A plate that falls to the ground represents jealous nature and sexual incontinence,

meaning of miller's dreams Signification of the plate dream by Miller:
A woman who dreams of a plate is the omen that she will always remain a very economical housewife with a good husband.
