
In your dream last night, appeared a perfume. There are several definitions of dreaming of perfume.

Dream of perfume meaning:

fragrance dream image, a fragrant dream.
First interpretation of the perfume dream:
Dreaming of perfume represents personality or physical power ( by allusion to the nose which is a phallic symbol).
Dreaming of perfume or odour is often linked to the social situation of the dreamer.
To smell pleasant and voluptuous perfumes, indicates erotic desires.
Dreaming about perfume is a dream that always relates to your reputation. Depending on whether the fragrances are pleasant or unpleasant, you will enjoy a greater or lesser esteem.
Dreaming of perfumery is a flattering sign, which tickles your vanity.
Dreaming of receiving a fragrance is also a symbol of sensual pleasure.

Second interpretation of dreaming of perfume:
Dreaming of perfume can announce short honours.
Dreaming of perfume and giving it to a stranger is a sign of gain, and profit.
If a man dreams of the perfume of the woman he loves, it probably means according to the ancient dream tradition that she thinks of him.
The dream of perfume can indicate, depending on the context, that you are being deceived.
Some oniologists say that dreaming of a bottle of perfume is triggered by nostalgia.

Third interpretation of dreaming of perfume:
Dreaming of perfume and smelling a good one in a dream, is a sign of esteem.
Smelling a bad perfume bottle in a dream, announces a success.
Dreaming of perfume and perfuming your hair, says pride.
Perfuming your body in a dream can predict adultery.
Dreaming of perfume and being perfumed by someone in a dream, announces a lasting friendship.

Lucky figures associated with the perfume dream:
If you dream of perfume you can play these numbers: 11.21

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