
In your dream last night, the term oak appeared. There are several definitions of the dream oak.

Oak dream means:

First interpretation of the oak dream:
Oak dreaming is the symbol of the representation of strength, solidity, longevity and power; for the dreamer, its presence indicates protection, and its condition indicates the extent of it.

Seeing it appear in your sleep can also tell you a lot about yourself and your relationships with the people around you.
To learn more, it is necessary to observe the appearance of its trunk, branches and leaves.
It is important to note whether, in the dream, the oak was: leafy, raised, stripped or cut down.

Second interpretation of the oak dream:
Dreaming of thick and dense oak: profit, wealth, long life.
Dreaming of a young oak tree: beautiful youth, wealth, long life.
Dreaming of holm oak: health, strength.
Dreaming of an oak tree covered with leaves: happy old age.
Dreaming of a tall oak tree: emblem of strength and courage;
Dreaming of a fallen oak tree: fortune in peril, infidelity conjuagle.
Dreaming of an old oak tree: despair, death, distress, disease.
Dreaming of an oak tree without leaves: danger of losing what you have.
Dreaming of a cork oak means lightness of character.
Dreaming of oak planks: distress, illness, death.
Dreaming of an oak casket: sad rejoicing.

Luck figures associated with the oak dream:
If you dream of oak you can play these numbers:

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