
In your dream last night, a monument appeared a monument. There are several definitions of dreaming of monument.

dream of monument means:

First interpretation of the monument dream:
Dreaming of a monument and seeing his in a dream, indicates that you will receive honours.
Dreaming of monuments can also mean the taste of the arts for the dreamer.
Seeing the monument of a famous man is an invitation to follow his path.

Second interpretation of dreaming of monuments:
Dreaming of a funeral monument, announces a rebirth or childbirth.
Dreaming of a monument and seeing one in a dream indicates that you are tormenting yourself for nothing serious.
If you dream that you are erecting a monument in your honour, it indicates that you are disappointed that you are not being judged for your true worth.

Lucky figures associated with the monument dream:
If you dream of a monument you can play these numbers: 4.40

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