
In your dream last night, appeared a lunch. There are several definitions of the dream of lunch.

Lunch dream:

First interpretation of the lunch dream:
This dream announces a family or friends reunion will bring you joy.
If you invite a person to lunch it means that a conflict could arise due to jealousy.
Lunch alone in a dream restaurant means you could lose a friendship.
This dream, depending on the context, may predict some concern on your part.
A dream in which you eat alone, predicts that you have reason to think seriously about the vicissitudes of fate.
For a young woman who dreams of having lunch with her boyfriend, means that they are vulnerable to
a quarrel and even a separation. However, if they are very happy during lunch, their relationship will be cloudless.
If you see among the guests of a lunch, means that in life, you will meet spiritual people.

Second interpretation of the lunch dream:
Dreaming that you make a frugal lunch indicates a long life.
If, on the other hand, we dream of making a pantagruelic meal, it indicates that you will have the strength to go through with one of your projects.
Seeing him prepare a lunch heralds a new friendship.

Luck figures associated with the lunch dream:
If you dream of having lunch you can play these numbers: 22

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