
In your dream last night, appeared the term kneeling. There are several definitions of the dream kneel.

Dreaming of kneeling means:

First interpretation of the kneeling dream:
Dreaming of kneeling may seem rather strange, but this one reveals very precise indications.
Seeing people kneeling threatens you with slander, do not beware and despise them.
If you kneel before a woman, it is a threat of deception.
Kneeling before a man is a sign of affront.

Second interpretation of the kneeling dream:
If you dream that you kneel before an animal, it means: austerity, misanthropy.
Seeing a crowd kneeling: someone is trying to serve you.
Seeing you kneel before an altar or in a holy place is a sign that great protection reigns around your belongings.

Lucky figures associated with the kneeling dream:
If you dream of kneeling you can play these numbers:

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“Kneel down