grave digger

In your dream last night, there appeared a gravedigger. There are several definitions of dreaming of grave digger.

Gravedigger dream means:

First interpretation of the gravedigger’s dream:
Dreaming of a gravedigger announces bad news.
Dreaming of a gravedigger and talking to him in a dream indicates that you are not living as you would like.
Dreaming of a gravedigger and seeing a friend in a gravedigger, indicates that you are not attentive enough to his words.

Second interpretation of dreaming of a gravedigger:
Dreaming of a gravedigger can predict the disappearance of a distant relative.
In some cases dreaming of a gravedigger can reveal that a person wishes you very bad things.

Luck figures associated with the gravedigger’s dream:
If you dream of a gravedigger you can play these numbers: 18.32

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