
In your dream last night, appeared a glass. There are several definitions of the dream of glass.

Glass dreaming meaning:

First interpretation of the glass dream:
Dreaming of glass represents indolence or a certain defense, it can show that you are trying to protect yourself.
Dreaming of a dirty glass reveals a lack of visibility on a situation concerning you and on which you are looking for clarification.
Dreaming of drinking from a glass is a good omen.
Dreaming of broken glass announces a disappointment or a harmful change in your life, by analogy it can show that your life is breaking up.
Dreaming that you walk on broken glass is a sign of pain, it also reveals that you no longer know where to start.
Injury with glass can symbolize that your words are hurtful and sharp.
Looking through a dream glass means that one of your projects will not come true.

Second interpretation of the glass dream:
Dreaming of a bright and clean glass predicts professional luck.
Dreaming that you eat glass reflects your fragility and the disorder that reigns in you.
Is the glass in your dream full or empty? It is of great importance because it will decide whether you take life on the right side or the wrong side.
Drinking a glass of water is a sign of physical improvement.
Giving a drink in a dream means you will lose a friend.
Buying a drink in your dream often indicates a let go in finances.

Third interpretation of the glass dream:
Here are some meanings according to the ancient dream tradition.
A full glass announces fortune.
Empty, we are too prodigal not to impoverish ourselves.
A white glass is a sign of happiness; breaking it will bring even greater happiness.
Receiving a drink announces a wedding, a glass of water a birth.
Drinking a glass of water indicates the sobriety of our morals.
A glass of wine, we seek consolation for our sorrows.
A glass of beer promises us a short trip.
A glass of liquor, we’ll let ourselves be carried away by dangerous pleasures.
Beware of intemperance.

Fourth interpretation of the glass dream:

Seeing it broken, you’ll hear bad news.
Drinking water from a clean glass predicts a wedding for singles and a big night for couples.
Coloured glass: courtesan.

Lucky figures associated with the glass dream:
If you dream of glass you can play these numbers for yourself: 5.19.45