
In your dream last night, the term flyinger appeared. There are several definitions of dreaming of flying.

Dreaming of flying means:

dreaming of flying in the air.
First interpretation of the dream of flying:
Dreaming of flying in the air is very common, it can mean that you are looking for a new freedom, this dream also means that you feel slowed down or limited.
Dreaming of flying or even flying, or even making light jumps to very often an erotic meaning.
Having the dream of flying very high with ease, can indicate that you are at the highest level in a situation.
Flying with difficulty indicates a lack of vigour in controlling a situation.
If you dream of flying in the air, be careful, because you think you are invincible and you could fall in life.
It is said that flying in a dream is more common in men than in women.

Second interpretation of dreaming of flying:
Dreaming of a flight of white birds is good news.
If it’s a flight of black birds, it’s a bad omen.
Dreaming of flying is often equivalent to feeling a flyinguptuous sensation.
Dreaming of flying and seeing yourself flying in space is a very happy omen.

Third interpretation of dreaming of flying:
Dreaming of flying in the air is a sign of an improvement in the situation, provided however that the flight does not end in a painful fall, which on the contrary, would mean that a failure is reserved for the dreamer.
Dreaming of flying in the air is very frequent and always amazes by the precision of the gliding sensation.
This dream of flying if it takes place in a bad context, can herald disappointed ambitions.

Dreams associated with dreaming of flying in the air see:
Dreaming of gliding, Dreaming of levitation, weightlessness.

A dreamer tells us about his dream of flying:
This is the first time I’ve ever dreamed of flying. I was in the middle of the clouds, flying and swimming in the air peacefully above my village. The birds were swirling around me. The sky was blue and the wind was carrying me so that my flight would be wonderful. I laughed at having wings, feathers… Flying away gave me a benefit: a spiritual levitation. My whole body was shivering with this winged well-being.
