
In your dream last night, a fireman appeared a fireman. There are several definitions of dreaming of firefighter.

Firefighter dream means:

firefighter's dream image, a dream of hope.
First interpretation of the firefighter’s dream:
Dreaming of a firefighter is a symbol of danger, but above all of courage, the firefighter in a dream, represents the hero and hope.
Dreaming of firefighting indicates that you must be determined and bold.
The dream of a car or fire engine indicates a great concern for the dreamer.
Dreaming of being a firefighter is also a sign that it is time for you to take risks to succeed.

Second interpretation of firefighter’s dream:
Dreaming of being a firefighter also indicates that you have to trust those around you, professional or friendly.
Dreaming of a firefighter and seeing one in a dream often brings great joy.
Dreaming of firefighting and being a firefighter yourself can sometimes predict an engagement.
Dreaming of being a firefighter can also indicate that your friends are loyal to you.

Dreams associated with dreaming of firefighting see:
fire dream
flame dream
rêve de feu, firefighter, fire soldier, truck, samu, smur, rescue.

A dreamer tells us his dream of tooth:
I dreamed of being a fireman again. My dream is still in a dark alley. Fire sirens are screaming all over the city. And I’m paralyzed in front of a wall of burning flames. The alleyway lights up when firefighters arrive in their uniforms against the fire. I still can’t move. A very tall fireman approaches me, loads me on his shoulder and we cross the flames. I have no burns but I feel all the water from the fire hoses running down on me. It’s like a feeling of well-being.

Luck figures associated with the firefighter’s dream:
If you dream of being a firefighter you can play these numbers for yourself: 3.21