
In your dream last night, there appeared a donationationationation. There are several definitions of the dream of donationationationation.

Donation dream:

First interpretation of the dream of donationationationation:
Dreaming of offering money and giving it away means threatening you with lost money, ingratitude from those we have forced.
Receiving it is quite different, if the person is powerful, your interests could benefit from a change in your situation, if it is a man, good advice will help you in life.
Donated by a woman, wise friends will make your life happier.
A donationationationation from a young man is a sign of marriage.
Donation from a young girl, the planned marriage could break up!

Second interpretation of the donationationationation dream:
According to an ancient dream tradition, a donationationationation meant.
To receive it, torment.
From a man, friendship!
Of a woman, dangerous love!
Of a boy, vanity.
A young lady, rupture.
You will be frustrated with your inheritance and you will have many lawsuits.

Lucky figures associated with the dream donationationationation:
If you dream of donationationationating you can play these numbers: 12.49

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