
In your dream last night, appeared the term dial. There are several definitions of the dream dial.

Dial dream means:

First interpretation of the dial dream:
Dreaming of a dial is a very good sign, as long as you are careful, cautious and active in your business at the same time.
Often it indicates a happy marriage, an inheritance from our address.
Seeing a sundial warns us about the people of questionable morality around us.

Second interpretation of the dial dream:
Dreaming of a dial: precaution, inheritance on which you do not rely, and happy marriage which will be the result.
Sundial: vigilance and caution.
Blue dial: married happiness.
The dial, in a dream, can also announce a missed deal due to a lack of tact.
Opening a dial means that you get up too late, love is more early.

Lucky numbers associated with the dial dream:
If you dream of a dial you can play these numbers: 22.61.97

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