
In your dream last night, a crime appeared a crime. There are several definitions of dreaming of crime.

Dreaming about crime means:

First interpretation of the crime dream:
Dreaming of crime and committing a crime announces family disputes.
Dreaming of crime and seeing one in a dream can announce a return to health.
Dreaming of crime and killing a stranger is a sign of obstacles in your projects.

Second interpretation of dreaming of crime:
Dreaming of a crime predicts that you will be threatened in your affections and in your fortune.
To dream the dream of crime and commit it in a dream is a sign of disgrace.
Dreaming of crime sometimes announces a scandal.

Dreams associated with dreaming of crime see
murder dream
murderer’s dream
massacre dream
dream to kill
murderer’s dream
dream of murder, serial killer dream, homicide, serial crime, blood, accomplice.

meaning of sigmund-freud dreams
Signification of the crime dream according to Sigmund Freud:
For Freud, in order to properly analyze the dream of crime, it is first of all necessary to identify the victim, because in many cases, the person concerned by the crime represents in real life someone whom the dreamer must oust, professionally, or even emotionally.

Luck figures associated with the crime dream:
If you dream of crime you can play these numbers: 19.36