
In your dream last night, the term cicada appeared. There are several definitions of the dream cigal.

Cicada dream means:

First interpretation of the cicada dream:
Dreaming of a cicada: to see it announces a great joy in love.
Dreaming of hearing cicadas: for a year you won’t have any worries.
Dreaming of cicadas or locusts in large numbers: your chatter will make you miss your fortune, avoid any unnecessary words.

Second interpretation of the cicada dream:
Dreaming of cicadas: the song of the cicada heard in the dream is harmful to the sick, to convalescents; it is necessary to redouble the care provided to them.

Third interpretation of the cicada dream:
Dreaming of cicadas: locusts, cockroaches or crickets: unbearable talkers, bad musicians, loss of harvest, by theft or otherwise, bad outcome of the disease.
Dreaming of a cicada household announces prodigality, excesses of all kinds.
Dreaming of his singing is fatal to the sick and convalescents.

Fourth interpretation of the cicada dream:
Dreaming of cicadas: beware of laziness, don’t neglect your current affairs any longer.

Lucky figures associated with the cicada dream:
If you dream of a cicada you can play these numbers: