
In your dream last night, appeared an asparagus. There are several definitions of the dream Asparagus.

Asparagus dreaming means:

First interpretation of the asparagus dream:
Seeing asparagus in a dream is an excellent omen. A trip to the countryside is being prepared and you will find new prosperity there.
Cultivate it: happiness is near.
Selling: your pain will be rewarded by success.
If you eat it: the confidence of the people around you will help you to progress quickly.
If you plant or pick it: beware of love, you will only be temporarily upset.

Second interpretation of the asparagus dream:
Seeing asparagus also means fortune, success and success in companies.
The work will be rewarded.
For a patient who has this dream predicts that the disease will be alleviated.

Luck figures associated with the asparagus dream:
If you dream of asparagus you can play these numbers:

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