
In your dream last night, appeared an artichoke There are several definitions of the dream artichoke.

Archoke dreaming means:

First interpretation of the artichoke dream:
Not famous, the artichoke in a dream! It’s good in the kitchen, though! Planting, picking, eating artichokes is a sign of infidelity not on your part, which would be bearable, but on the part of the person you love.
However, don’t panic! A little tenderness, attention, and you can avoid what threatens you, perhaps because of you.

Second interpretation of the artichoke dream:
Seeing artichokes is never good.
If they are spoiled, you may have to regret the departure of someone in your family or entourage.
Eating artichokes in your dreams, whether fried or boiled, is a sign of disappointment.

Luck figures associated with the artichoke dream:
If you dream of artichoke you can play these numbers:

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