
In your dream last night, appeared an aqueducttt. There are several definitions of the dream aqueductt.

Dreaming about water means:

First interpretation of the water dream:
If you like travelling, this is a good dream. It bodes well for a long business trip.
If the aqueducttt is in good condition, success is assured.
If it is in poor condition, it will probably be more difficult and it is good to be suspicious of so-called friends who are interested in harming you. Moreover, in business, you should always be a little suspicious.

Second interpretation of the water dream:
Dreaming of an aqueducttt means patrimonial fortune.
If it is in ruins: beware of your friends and also of many worries.

Third interpretation of the water dream:
Dreaming of an aqueducttt under construction means that you will soon rise socially because you will make either an inheritance or significant gains.

Lucky figures associated with the water dream:
If you dream of waterworks you can play these numbers: 6.15.25

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