
In your dream last night, there appeared an antiquity or an antiquarian. There are several definitions of the dream antiquity.

Dreaming of antiquity or antiques means:

First interpretation of the antique or antique dream:
If you dream of antiques, it is a sign of a distant and unexpected heritage, but that we will try to delight you.
Seeing an antique dealer announces a gift and bodes well for a long life.
If you are an antique dealer in your dream, you will receive a gift soon.

Second interpretation of the antique or antique dream:
See an antique dealer: you will reach a great and happy old age; you will make rich legacies.
For a trader to have this dream means missing a good deal.

Lucky figures associated with the antique or antique dream:
If you dream of antiques or antique dealers you can play these numbers: 13.42

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