
In your dream last night, appeared an anchovy. There are several definitions of dream anchovies.

Anchovy dream means:

First interpretation of the anchovy dream:
Hello my darling you slept well, oh yes my love! and you had sweet dreams yes I dreamed of anchovies oruuuuh that’s hot that!” it’s a little lame as a dream but it must have existed at a certain time!
Dreaming of anchovies is a sign of success in love that will be remembered best.
Anchovy dream: it’s a foolishness to receive.
Eating anchovies is synonymous with love.

Second interpretation of the anchovy dream:
It is also this interpretation:
You will make a great journey.
You will have an abundant fishery.

Lucky figures associated with the anchovy dream:
If you dream of anchovies you can play these numbers:

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