
In your dream last night, there appeared an amputation. There are several definitions of the dream amputation.

Dream of amputation meaning:

First interpretation of the dream amputation:
Dreaming of amputation is often a simple allegory that warns us against our personality being destroyed by unconscious feelings. Many dreamers are amputated from the hands of their arms or legs and desperately contemplate this horrible mutilation. These are often unfavourable dreams; it is likely that an inner power (psychological illness, complexity, repression, etc.) prevents the subject from continuing his normal activity.

Second interpretation of the dream amputation:
Dreaming of being amputated means that you will quarrel with a loved one.
If you see an amputation there will be slander at your place.
If you do the amputation act, it indicates that you will make money.
Dreaming of a foot or hand amputation can mean a drop in business.

Third interpretation of the dream amputation:
The dream of amputation is a dream with a sexual connotation in some cases, when it is a castration and means a guilt complex.
Dreaming of an arm amputation indicates financial degradation.
Dream of amputation of a leg reveals a sentimental disappearance soon.
Dreaming that you are having both legs amputated is a sign that you shouldn’t insist on one of your relationships.
Dreaming that you are wearing a prosthesis announces a last minute support that will make you avoid serious danger.

Luck figures associated with dream amputation:
If you dream of amputation you can play these numbers: 2. 4.

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