
In your dream last night, there appeared an alphabet. There are several definitions of the dream alphabet.

Alphabet dreaming means:

First interpretation of the alphabet dream:
Dreaming that you read the alphabet indicates that you should not have absolute confidence in your abilities.
Getting another person to read the alphabet is a sign of a large number of descendants.
If you see it complete: calm and happy life.
If it is incomplete: alternative of success and setback.
If you see yourself writing an alphabet it means that you will receive good news.

Second interpretation of the alphabet dream:
If in the alphabet that, in dream, you retain a particular letter, here are their meanings:
A: means death, disaster.
B: passion, ambition.
C: religious belief.
D: wisdom, firmness.
E: marriage.
F: work.
G: freedom. divinity.
H: justice, cleanliness.
I, J: imperfections.
K, L: future happiness.
M: misfortune, death, suffering.
N: fertility, travel.
O: sorry.
P: widowhood.
Q: cheerfulness, knowledge.
R: courage.
S: error.
T: divine love, patriotism.
U: boldness.
V, W: hope.
X: enemies.
Y: difficult journey.
Z: eternal happiness.

Lucky numbers associated with the alphabet dream:
If you dream of alphabet you can play these numbers: 2.7.9

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