
In your dream last night, there appeared an aggression. There are several definitions of dream aggression.

Dream of aggression meaning:

First interpretation of the aggression dream:
You dreamt of aggression! Don’t worry, it’s a good dream, if you’re the one who’s under attack, you’ll have a success to your credit.
If you are the one who attacks, your current projects will not succeed, but there is no reason to regret it.
If you dream that you are being attacked at night, this indicates that luck will favour you.
You dream that you are attacked during the day: it is a warning. If you like betting, you should be wary of gambling.

Second interpretation of the aggression dream:
Another ancient dream tradition announces for this dream, that one of your friends could be upset by a disaster. Yet another indicates that if you are the aggressor, it indicates that in a conflict you will not have the upper hand, but if you are the one who suffers it, then you will emerge victorious from the same conflict.
In some cases, dreams of aggression can represent repressed sexuality.
Dreaming of aggression with a knife is a sign of the return of a dirty business.

Luck figures associated with the aggression dream:
If you dream of aggression you can play these numbers: 25.21.57

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