
In your dream last night, there appeared an accident. There are several definitions of dreaming of accidents.

Dreaming of accident means:

First interpretation of the accident dream:
Dreaming of an accident can reveal a profound moral or emotional disorder.
Dreaming of an accident is often an unfavourable sign of fate. If you dream that you are driving a car and you have an accident, be prepared for this eventuality.
If, in your dream, you miraculously emerge from a fatal accident for others, it is a sign that you will emerge victorious from a confusing situation. If you dream that you see some crumpled sheets, affected by a car accident, in reality, you have steps to take, you will not be able to rely on others, but only on yourself, this will allow you to keep control over everything.
Dreaming of an accident and causing an accident – one announces the receipt of unexpected news.

Second interpretation of the accident dream:
Dreaming of a car accident and if you witness it without taking part in it: it is the announcement of a cowardice that will be profitable for you.
In a fatal accident, you give help to a victim: betrayal of a friend who will replace you in the inheritance you expect.
The dream of a bus accident or the dream of a bus accident indicates that you will be held responsible for a mistake that did not occur.
Dreaming of a car accident can reveal an unreasonable fear of the dreamer.
Dreaming of a serious accident and surviving, in a dream, he predicted money savings.

Third interpretation of the accident dream:

Dreaming of an accident and if you cause an accident without being affected by it, fear humiliation all the greater the more serious the accident.
If in the dream, this accident causes serious injuries, it means that, in real life, you live in guilt for a mistake you made that you don’t know how to repair.
Dreaming of a plane crash means: don’t make a decision on a whim.
Dream of a truck accident, you’ll lose time in a case.
Dream of a motorcycle accident is a sign of imminent danger.
The dream of a train accident has the same meaning as that of a motorcycle.

Dreams associated with dreaming of accidents see: blood, injury, ambulance, fireman, samu
aircraft dream
car dream
road dream

A dreamer tells us about his dream of an accident:
I dreamt that I had a car accident. I was in my car, and it collided at very high speed in another car that rolled over. The accident was terrible: there were pieces of cars everywhere. I had blood on my head from the shock. The windshield was broken into a thousand pieces. I was shaking and vomiting with fear in my dream.